High quality AlN single crystals with typical hexagonal crystal habit were obtained by optimizing growth conditions. 通过优化实验条件制备出了六角形的高质量的氮化铝单晶体。
[ 3] The shape of the solid-liquid interface and crystal defects& The less defects in cry-stal growth with flat interface are interpreted in terms of crystal habit. 固液界面的形状与晶体缺陷密切相关。
Preparation of the Different Crystal Habit TiO 2/ Mica Pearlescent Pigments and Study of Their Properties 异晶型TiO2/云母珠光颜料的制备及性能研究
Influence Growth Conditions on Crystal Habit and Morphology of LNP Crystal 生长条件对LNP晶体习性和形态的影响
Cultivation of the Single Crystal of γ-glycine and Analysis of the Polymorph and Crystal Habit 甘氨酸γ-晶型的单晶培养及晶型和晶习分析
Based on the theoretic prediction by Cerius~ 2 software, the mechanism of the effect of solvent on the crystal habit of hydroquinone was analyzed. 在利用分子模拟软件Cerius2预测对苯二酚晶体晶习的基础上,初步揭示了溶剂影响对苯二酚晶体晶习的机理。
The crystal habit and the characteristic optical properties of barium titanate crystal 四钛酸钡晶体的结晶习性与光性特征干酪根的光性特征
Computer Modeling of the Solvent Effect on Hydroquinone Crystal Habit 计算机模拟溶剂对对苯二酚晶习的影响
The application of crystal habit modification in glauber's'salt heat storage compositions 晶习改变剂在芒硝贮热物质中的应用
In this paper the effect of ferric ions Fe~ ( 3+) on the crystal habit modification of potassium dihydrogen phosphate ( KH_2PO_4) at quasi-static state has been studied systematically. 本文系统地实验分析了在准静态条件下和不同的pH溶液中,杂质Fe~(3+)对磷酸二氢钾单晶生长形态的影响。
Effect of Impurity on the Crystal Habit of 6-aminopenicillanic Acid During Its Growth 6-氨基青霉烷酸晶体生长过程中杂质对晶习的影响
Based on the surface entropy factor(α), the crystal growth mechanism was predicted for the low index crystal surfaces in different solvents. The effects of solvent on the crystal habit were discussed. 根据界面熵因子α值,预测了NPAN晶体在不同溶剂中低指数晶面的晶体生长机制。
The authors of this paper prepared the flake, needle and complex fibrous magnesium hydroxide micro powder, through addition of crystal habit modifier, by hydro-thermal synthesis method. 本文作者利用水热合成法、通过加入适量的晶习改变剂制备出了片状、针状以及复合型纤维状的氢氧化镁微粉。
Study on the effect of original solvent on erythromycin crystal habit and purity during its solvent out crystallization 红霉素溶析结晶过程中原溶剂对其晶习及纯度的影响研究
The particle of LDH Cl possessed different crystal habit in different crystallization course, bringing about divergence of relativity between composition and structure, and the development difference among grain. 微晶生长习性在不同晶化过程中的差异决定了粒子发育程度的不同、组成与结构相关性的不同;
From the SEM photographs, it can be seen that the single crystal of y-glycine is octahedron shape, having great difference in crystal habit from the α-glycine with full-length film shape. SEM扫描电镜表明,甘氨酸γ-晶型是标准的八面体晶习,与α-晶型的长片状晶习存在较大差异。
The calcinations regulation of limestone and the concentration of calcium hydroxide solution have effects on the granularity of the calcium carbonate crystal. Synthesized Amphiphilic St-AA Copolymers Modulate Calcium Carbonate Crystal Habit and Morphogenesis 石灰石原料的煅烧制度和氢氧化钙溶液的浓度将影响碳酸钙结晶的粒度。合成两亲St-AA共聚物调控碳酸钙的结晶和形貌
Controlling for crystal habit of carbonate hydroxyapatite on capacities absorbing f~-and its mechanism 碳羟磷灰石结晶习性对吸F~-容量的控制及其机理
Study on crystal habit modification of potassium dihydrogen phosphate ⅱ. effect of ferric ions fe ( 3+) at quasi-static state 磷酸二氢钾单晶生长形态的研究Ⅱ.准静态条件下杂质Fe~(3+)效应
Effect of Guaiphenesin Crystal Habit 愈创木酚甘油醚晶习的影响因素
The geometric properties, such as grain size, crystal habit, and the iodide distribution in the bulk and surface of microcrystal were determined as a function of iodide content, iodide introduction time and amount during the precipitation by STEM-EDS method. 用STEM-EDS研究了碘的含量及其加入方式对于卤化银扎剂微晶体的几何性质(颗粒大小、形状)及其碘在微晶体中的分布的影响。
Effect of Preparation Environment Cleanliness on Crystal Habit of Nano-particles and It's Control Principle 制备环境清洁度对纳米粒子结晶形态的影响及其控制原理
Study on the Crystal Habit and Crystal Defect of Urea 尿素的结晶习性和晶体缺陷研究
Crystal habit and surface oxide film analysis of Fe Nano-particles 铁纳米粒子的结晶形态与表面氧化膜分析
The addition of rigid inorganic particles changed the crystallinity of the blends and the crystal habit. So the microstructure changes determined the macromechanics of the blends. 无机刚性粒子的加入不同程度的改变了共混体系的结晶度,改变了基体的晶型,微观的变化决定了基体宏观的力学性能。
The addition of an amount of crystal habit modifiers would make the size of the products more homogeneous. 晶习改变剂的加入,使得水热反应产物的尺寸相对更为均一。
The results showed that the pH value of precipitation, hydrothermal temperature, holding time had little effect on the crystal form of zircon. This might be attributed to the crystal habit of lamellar structure under the hydrothermal conditions of this experiment. 实验发现改变沉淀pH值、水热温度,水热时间均不能改变硅酸锆的晶形,其原因可能是硅酸锆在本实验范围内的水热的条件下具有形成片层结构的结晶习性。
In addition, the effects of dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, acetone and 2-propanol on the crystal habit and crystallographic form of acephate were investigated experimentally. 实验同时考察了二氯甲烷、乙酸乙酯、丙酮及异丙醇四种溶剂对于乙酰甲胺磷晶习及晶型的影响。
When inorganic crystals are formed under equilibrium conditions, their crystal habit is determined by the relative order of surface energies. 在平衡条件下形成的无机晶体,其形貌是由晶体表面能的相对顺序习惯确定。
Crystal habits of Cefuroxime Sodium under different solvent systems were studied to screen out the best crystal habit. 通过对不同溶剂体系下头孢呋辛钠的晶习研究,筛选出头孢呋辛钠最佳晶习的溶剂体系,并在此基础上考察了成核方式,溶析剂种类和物理场对产品晶习的影响。